Pump Up Your Skin With Pumpkin

Did you know that a glowing, orange pumpkin is the source of many benefits? It is great to eat and also a source of many great nutrients for your skin. Pumpkin is bursting with natural alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and fruit enzymes. These ingredients increase cell turnover, which results in smoother and brighter skin. Pumpkin is also full of antioxidants…

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Autumn Skin Care Tune Up

Aroma Scents Naturals - Be your own kind of beautiful

Aging is something we all have to pass through. Unfortunately, wrinkles are unavoidable and resulting sagging skin will eventually come. However, this does not mean that you have to sit there helplessly as you watch your body age so fast. There are some things you can do to actually control the aging the process. Here the top anti-aging skin care…

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Geranium Essential Oil Uses, Benefits and Cautions

Aroma Scents Naturals - Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil, in addition to being pleasantly rose-scented, boasts countless health benefits. Pelargonium graveolens is the name given to this bushy, aromatic plant whose stems and leaves when distilled, deliver so much healing, soothing and balancing to the body.   This essential oil reduces the appearance of wrinkles due to its astringent properties that tighten and tone skin. It…

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