How to Use Witch Hazel for Your Skin

Witch hazel skincare - Aromascents Naturals -

Witch hazel is a versatile addition to your skincare routine. While it’s easy to use the natural astringent as-is on a cotton ball, blending it with other ingredients allows you to create a range of customized skin care products that suit your skin type perfectly. Use these simple tips to get healthy, glowing skin with simple, natural ingredients.   Cleansing…

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Sugar Scrubs for Your Face

Spa Sugar Scrub

We’re getting so close to spring now. It’s time to look in the mirror and take a really good look at your face. Winter can leave your complexion rough and dull. So what is the solution? A wonderful exfoliating facial scrub! We’re going to utilize simple ingredients that are in your kitchen cupboards: sugar and vegetable oils to start. To…

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